Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Y6 SATs Revision 


SATs in Year 6

Key Stage 2 SATs take place when children are in Year 6 – teachers will carry out SATs Preparation in Year 6 with their class. SATs week takes place in May, so children will be age 10-11, depending when their birthday is. Year 6 SATs tests are conducted in a more formal environment than Year 2 SATs, with the tests being timed. The papers are marked by external examiners and the results are shared with parents before children leave primary school in July. Children get their results in the form of a scaled score, and are assessed against national standard expectations for their age.

Should you wish to make use of them, here are some extra resources you can use for revision and SATs prep. Also, these are some great websites for revision.  If you have any questions about this years SATs for Y6, please contact Mrs. Edwards. 

English Revision

Math's Revision  (good for revising formal methods of calculation, including fractions)   (create your own worksheets for any topic)


Arithmetic Paper 1 (with answers)

Arithmetic Paper 2 (with answers)

Arithmetic Paper 3 (with answers)

Arithmetic Paper 4 (with answers)


Reasoning Paper Test 1a (with answers)

Reasoning Paper Test 1b (with answers)

Maths revision poster

Long division practice (with answers)

Long multiplication practice (with answers)


SPAG Paper 1 (with answers)

SPAG Paper 2 (with answers)

Grammar revision booklet questions

Grammar revision booklet answers

Grammar revision 1 (with answers)

Y5/6 Word list


Reading practice and revision 1 (with answers)

Reading assessment booklet (poetry)

Reading assessment answer booklet (poetry)

Reading assessment mark scheme (poetry)

Reading assessment booklet (non-fiction)

Reading assessment answer booklet (non-fiction)

Reading assessment mark scheme (non-fiction)

Supporting Your Child's Learning At Boynton

Please use the resources below to support your child and their learning.

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