Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

PE and Sport Premium

At Boynton we encourage the children to become involved in a variety of different sports. As a result of our efforts to promote these activities, we have been awarded Gold in 2023-2024!

Our school receives PE (physical education) and sport premium funding. In the document below you will find:

  • how much funding we received
  • a full breakdown of how we’ve spent the funding or will spend the funding
  • the effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
  • how we’ll make sure these improvements are sustainable

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

PE Sports Premium Spending 2023-24

PE Sports Premium 2022-23


Gold Achieved in:




We have close links with a number of local sports clubs. They often come into the school to work with the children. Below are some links to sports clubs that we have worked with:

Driffield Rugby Club

Goal Sports Soccer School

Bridlington Cricket Club

Harry Sheader Sports School - Gymnastics

East Riding Dance 

SSP Interschool Collaboration:

Children have actively taken part in;

·         Bridlington swimming gala

·         Year3/4 5/6 sports hall athletics

·         Cross country year 3-6

·         Mixed team Football Competition

·         Quad Kids Athletics competition

Below are some of our school sporting achievements!

Key Stage Two Ten Pin Bowling

Regional Finalists 2022!

Sports Day 2019

 Year 5/6 Swimming Gala alongside children from our federated school, Wold Newton. 

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