Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Welcome to Class Two! 


Mrs Atkins is the Class Teacher and Miss Usher is the Class teaching assistant.


Class Information

  • PE: Thursday afternoon. Please send your child into school with their PE kits and remove any jewellery before, if they are unable to remove it themselves. 
  • Reading: Please remember to keep reading with your child every night. Even if they are able readers please ask them questions and discuss what they are reading. We would like children to read at least 4 times a week. Just a quick note in their reading record book, together with a parent/carer signature, will earn them rainbow rewards in school.  
  • Homework will be given out on a Thursday to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week.   
  • Spelling:  Spellings are sent home on a Monday to be learnt for a test on Friday


Our Topic this term is...

The Rainforest

We are excited to be back and starting the Autumn term with our Rainforest topic!

This term the children will explore all areas of a rainforests, starting with the four main layers, before identifying some animals which live among the trees. We will also learn about the culture and lifestyle of those who live within the rainforests.


In literacy, the children will have the opportunity to write for a variety of different purposes, including producing non-chronological reports and persuasive letters, all linked to our topic. We will begin the term by looking at 'The Great Kapok Tree'. The children will look at the persuasive language the author has used, along with other narrative skills, to write a letter to persuade them not to chop down the great tree!

As always, the children will continue to work on their punctuation, grammar and spellings with new skills being introduced or refined during lessons in order to enable all children to become confident writers. They will continue to practice spellings and reading daily in class. They will also focus on reading comprehension this half term.

We encourage your support to make sure your child reads at home at least 4 times in a week and completes any homework/spelling practice set.


In numeracy we will be following the new curriculum for Yr 3/4. This term the children will become confident at place value, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing large numbers, using both mental and written methods and be able to apply these skills to real-life word problems. They will work on shape which will enable them to compare, classify and name 2D and 3D shapes and identify lines of symmetry. We will use objects and numbers to show and calculate, order, compare and add fractions.

Maths Homework will be given out on Thursdays in order to further practice of new Maths skills taught in lessons, at home.  Homework should be returned by the following Wednesday

If your child requires further help or support, please speak to Mrs Atkins.


Our topic this term is primarily Geography based, so we will begin by learning about where we can find the rainforests, this will also develop our atlas reading skills. Following this, we will explore factors of climate change within the rainforest and how we can protect them from deforestation.

We will also learn about the culture of those tribes living in the rainforests, and how their lifestyle is different/similar to ours.


In science, we will learn about plants and animals. The children will begin this unit of work by exploring the structure of plants and how they grow. They will carry out a range of small experiments to investigate this, and secure their understanding before moving onto learning about animals. The children will identify a range of animals, linking this to those living in a rainforest. We will discuss food chains, as well as animal classifications. 

 Art/Design and Technology

In Art and DT this term, we will begin by sketching rainforest animals, focusing on a range of shading and textures using pencil. The children will then enlarge their sketch, ready for paint. They will be given the primary colours so that they have to carefully think about colour mixing.

In the second half of the term, the children will design and make bean bag frogs. The children will research the brightly coloured frogs, choose their colours, and then sew the templates to create their own bean bag. 


Class 2 children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about a new instrument. The children will continue to learn to play the ukulele as they develop their skills and understanding of music to help play and compose their own pieces.  


To begin the term, the children will be learning all about E-safety and how to stay safe when online. The children will move on to developing their computing skills, using new software and equipment to create animations. 

We will also continue to practice our keyboard skills throughout the curriculum to record, present and enhance our work with pictures, creative texts and layouts.


The children will focus on ‘Say No To Bullying’, where they will learn about what it means and explore some ways of how you can help someone who is being bullied feel better, they will understand bullying is a consistent, ongoing problem and begin to understand how problem solve a range of situations.


This term the children will be developing their understanding through fitness and develop skills and techniques whilst learning about Dance and Gymnastics. The children will learn to work and move with confidence as well as learn how to handle equipment safely.

Year 3/4 children will also take part in a 10 week block of ‘swimming and water skills’ at the local leisure centre. This will allow them to be taught to swim competently, using a range of strokes. 


The children will begin by recapping they basic greeting before moving on to extend their French vocabulary this term to include simple instructions, actions and parts of the body. 

Religion and World Views

We will find out about the meaning of Remembering, exploring how we use different celebrations to remember and how might faith members feel during these occasions. 

Keep checking our page as we upload updates and photos for this term!