From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Boynton Primary School
Class Teacher - Miss Moss
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Sunter
Teaching Assistant - Miss Davis
Our Foundation class has an indoor and outdoor area and a corridor space. We also use the woodland area and playground in the school grounds. Our Nursery and Reception children work together most of the day. This helps our older children to develop their personal and social skills, helping and supporting the younger children. It ensures the younger children settle into Nursery quickly as they have excellent peer role models to learn from. The mixed age class also provides a seamless transition from Nursery to Reception for our youngest children.
The provision in the Foundation class is enhanced regularly in response to the children’s changing needs and interests. We plan carefully to ensure the children are continually learning through their play. Writing, reading and mathematical skills are planned into the unit each week. Children are provided with many opportunities for developing their personal, social and communication skills within their play.
Please take a look at our Information Brochure for September 2024
Spring 1
Spring 1 will be filled with all things transport! We will be looking at different types of transport, different places and how we could get there! We will also be looking at Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated which is always very exciting!
In phonics we will be learning lots more digraphs and trigraphs and using these in learning how to read longer words!
In maths we will continue to work on looking at numbers to 10 and their composition (the numbers within numbers), our subitising skills and number recognition!
As a school we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.
We will teach phonics every day and the reception children will take part in decodable reading sessions 3 times a week.
There are resources for parents available on the website to help with pronunciation and letter formation.
Our youngest children in Nursery will also be following the Little Wandle scheme and through this will learn to distinguish sounds around them and play games to build the foundations for more formal phonics teaching. They will take part in activities such as learning to listen for the first sound or last sound in a sequence, distinguishing environmental sounds and begin to enjoy rhymes and music.
The Foundation children start their day at 8.50 am. Home time is 3.30 pm.
8:50am: Register, Days of the Week, Wake Up Shake Up, Pen Disco, Rainbow Breathing
9:30am Phonics
10:00am: Free Flow and Adult Led Activities – time to explore indoors and outdoors while we work with our friends. Reception - Guided Reading - Monday/Wednesday/Friday
10:45am: Snack
11:00am: Free Flow and Adult Led Activities – time to explore indoors and outdoors while we work with our friends. Reception - Guided Reading - Monday/Wednesday/Friday
11:30am: Tidy Time and Maths
12:00pm -1:00pm Lunch Time & Playtime
1:00pm: Register, Dancing, Dough Disco, Melting
1:20pm: Literacy Input
1:45pm: Free Flow and Adult Led Activities – time to explore indoors and outdoors while we work with our friends.
3:00pm: Tidy Time
3:10pm: Singing, Story, Circle Time
3:30: Home time
PE is on a Wednesday afternoon.
Reception reading books will be changed on a Thursday.
Library books will be changed for Reception and Nursery on a Tuesday.
You can find out more about our curriculum for both Nursery and Reception below. You can also find out more about our daily activities on Class Dojo.
We have a personalised curriculum based on the assessment of each child’s learning and this is documented in the 'Profile' tab on your child's Class Dojo. You can also add wow moments/experiences from home to their profile which are lovely moments to share in school with the class!
The children in the Early Years Unit learn indoors and outdoors through supported play and one to one work with an adult. We go outside in all weathers so please ensure they are dressed for the weather.
We closely monitor the progress of each individual child to ensure they reach their full potential.
Mathematical skills in Early Years can be developed in every area of provision. Each day the children take part in a more formal, short hands on session where they sing number songs and learn about number sense. We begin to learn to recognise and write numbers to 10 initially before moving on to numbers to 20 later in the Reception year. We look at patterns, shape, time and money throughout the year.
What We Get Up To...