Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Welcome to Class Three

Our teachers are Mrs Edwards and Mrs Botham and our teaching assistant and HLTA is Mrs Mortimer.

Class Information:

PE: This takes place on a Thursday afternoon. Please send your child into school with their PE kits and remove jewellery if they are unable to remove it themselves. 

Reading: Please remember to keep reading with your child every night. Even if they are able readers please ask them questions and discuss what they are reading. We would like children to read at least 5 times a week. Just a quick note in their reading record book, together with a parent/carer signature, will earn them rewards such as team points.

Maths Homework will be given out on a Thursday to be completed and returned by the following Monday. Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week. 

Grammar Homework for Y6 is given out on a Monday and is to be completed and returned by Thursday.  Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week. 

Spelling: Spellings are sent home on a Monday to be learnt for a test on Friday. 

Here is a timetable of a typical week in Class 3 - Autumn Timetable 2024 

Our topic this term is World War II

A warm welcome back to Class 3 after what we hope has been an enjoyable and fun-filled summer break.  This will be a busy and exciting term as we learn about WWII and discover where and when it took place, what life was like for those living through the war and how people coped with the conflict in their daily lives.  

As always, if you have any resources, artefacts or knowledge that you feel you could share with us regarding our topic - then please let us know.

Literacy this term will focus on our class novel of 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne.  This story, written from the view point of a 9-year-old German boy, will gently introduce the children to some of the realities of war and help them with their understanding of this period in history.  Literacy tasks will include work on characterisation, setting and plot development as we learn to write in character in a variety of different methods including diary entries and narratives. 

Our Year 6 children will also be working on their RobinWood recounts as they describe in detail some of the amazing activities they will have experienced on their residential, whilst the Year 5 children will take inspiration from WWII poetry as they engage with the emotions and experiences of the soldiers over intense themes such as conflict, danger, love and loss to create their own thought provoking poetry. 

A trip to Eden Camp will also help bring their learning to life so they can understand more about lives of every day people during this era. 

As always, our continued emphasis will be grammar, spellings, punctuation and reading through daily practice and weekly guided reading sessions. 

Numeracy will address the specified curriculum for Year 5 and 6 children incorporating the units of number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurements, geometry, statistics, algebra, ratio and proportion. 

History/Geography - with maps at the ready, we will identify the location of countries that fought with both the allies and the axis powers, investigate the continents they are in and where they are located on a world map. We will learn about the Blitz and examine pictures of the air raid aftermaths before learning about the Luftwaffe, Hitler's attack strategies and what Britain did to defend herself.  Coverage will also include the reasons for evacuation and why rationing was necessary and how it worked.  We will also touch on the disturbing facts behind the persecution of Jewish people during WWII and in particular the life of Anne Frank.

Art this term is inspired by the Yorkshire born artist and sculptor Henry Moore who was the official WWII artist and produced his now famous drawings of people sheltering in the London Underground during the Blitz.   We will aim to create our own art, beginning with pencil sketches, then water colours and  finally sculptures of these haunting, figures in the shelters. 

Design and Technology Not quite the 'British Bake-Off' but Class 3 plan to explore some common WWII recipes and create, taste and evaluate the types of meals that would have been prepared when rationing was in place and food was scarce.  

Science this term will investigate 'Forces in Action' and explore the effects of gravity, friction and air and water resistance, as well as building models to explore the ways in which pulleys, levers and gears work! Our unit on 'Changing Circuits' will consolidate our knowledge of electricity and explore how to change the brightness of a bulb and the speed of a motor.  Many opportunities here for practical skills, hands on research and investigations to help develop our understanding of these physical sides of science. 

Music will see us continuing to develop our skills of the 5 strands of the 'Model Music Curriculum' which are: performing, listening, composing, the history of music and the inter-related dimensions or elements of music. This term will focus in particular on duration, pitch, structure and timbre as we explore both tuned and untuned percussion instruments in order to play and improvise chords and melodies.  We will also continue to incorporate other musical cultures into our curriculum through our music appreciation assemblies so our pupils learn to respect and value music from all over the world.

Religion and World Views this term will focus on 'Hopes and Visions' as we consider the impact of key teachings from Christianity and the beliefs of Humanists as we ponder some big questions before sharing some of our own hopes and dreams for the future.  By the end of this unit, pupils will have investigated different ideas about god and humanity and what happens after life.

P.S.H.E over the course of the term will address issues around bullying – what it is; how it feels; why people bully; how we can prevent and respond to it; and how children can use their social, emotional and behavioural skills to tackle this crucial problem.  Our school themes this term are 'Morals' and 'Cooperation' which will be incorporated into class discussions and provide children with an opportunity to discuss issues that are important to them. We will also reflect upon British Values and the 5 strands of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

At Boynton, we recognise the importance of promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our students and their families. We aim to create an open culture around the discussion of mental health and wellbeing and to empower our children be able to regulate their emotions. By implementing the Zones of Regulation curriculum we aim to teach our pupils to identify emotions in themselves and others and provide them with bank of strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their wellbeing. 

P.E for Class 3 will see the children refine, improve and perform different styles of dance fluently and clearly adapting them to include the use of space, rhythm and expression. We will also focus on gymnastics as we aim to create longer and more complex sequences of movement to develop symmetry, style and timing.  

French this term is ‘All About Ourselves' as we use previous knowledge of topic areas such as clothes and the body and learn new ways to describe their own appearance whilst being introduced to some key grammatical features of French, such as the position of adjectives. They have the opportunity to talk about their emotions and health and increase their conversational skills. Finally, the children will translate a passage from French to English – unaided at first and then with the aid of a dictionary and then repeat translating a passage from English to French. 

ICT In this unit, children will further their understanding of how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact in the context of comparing cyberbullying to bullying in person and develop strategies for dealing with online bullying. They will learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online

 We really appreciate your support by encouraging your child to read at least 5 times a week, to practice their spellings and to complete their homework and return it back to school on the hand in date.  Many thanks.


Our Crime and Punishment topic last term was described by the children as being 'gruesome', 'interesting' and 'amazing' and we produced some fantastic work which can be seen in the classroom, the corridors and in our books. Feel free to come and look at our outstanding work!   

Here are a few photos to enjoy from last term...