Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Our Latest Ofsted Report


As you may be aware, the school had an Ofsted Inspection, earlier this term on Wednesday 27th September 2023.  I can now share the report with you and the outcome of our inspection. 

A copy of the report can be found below or on the OFSTED website. We are extremely proud that the overall judgement is that we have been rated as a GOOD school.   

The inspectors highlighted that Boynton is a ‘warm, inviting and welcoming school’ and that ‘pupils and staff are proud to be a part of the Boynton family.’  We were particularly commended on our safeguarding procedures and that ‘pupils say they are safe and happy.' The inspectors also noted that ‘Behaviour in the school is excellent and pupils enjoy learning.’  

I am so glad to hear that parents really value the extra-curricular clubs and enrichment activities we provide and feel that this is a real strength of the school. 

As a new headteacher, I am incredibly proud of the school, staff, pupils, and governors and feel that the report reflects my own vision for the future of Boynton Primary School. I, along with my team, am determined to continue to raise expectations and improve outcomes for all pupils at Boynton. 

 As a school family, we will continue to strive to improve in those areas identified for further improvement. It is our challenge to see that every element of our work reaches the highest possible levels. I know that I will have your support in the work we will be doing together in the future. 

This is a fantastic achievement for everyone in our school community and I would like to thank you for your continued support. 

Kind regards 


 K Kelly

Mrs. K Kelly 

Executive Headteacher 

Boynton Primary School 


The full report is below.