Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Music Intent


At Boynton, our music curriculum intends to inspire creativity, self-expression and encourages our children on their musical journeys as well as giving them opportunities to connect with others.   We hope to foster a life long love of music by exposing them to diverse musical experiences and igniting a passion for music. By listening and responding to different musical styles, finding their voices as singers and performers and as composers, all will enable them to become confident, reflective musicians. 

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity’ (The National Curriculum)


The aims of our Music curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • Can sing and use their voices individually and in a group
  • Create and compose music on their own and with others
  • Use technology appropriately when composing
  • Have opportunities to learn a musical instrument
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated
  • Listen to, review and evaluate the work of great composers and musicians from a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions
  •  Enjoy and have an appreciation of a range of different musical styles e.g. Classical, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pop, Rock etc.
  • Use and understand musical language and include musical features in their own work
  • Make judgements about the quality of music
  • Have opportunities to play a wide variety of instruments
  • Have different opportunities to take part in performances


Our music lessons engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and develop their talent as musicians. In turn, this increases their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. The elements of music are taught in the classroom lessons so that children are able to use some of the language of music to understand how it is made, played, appreciated and analysed. Composing or performing using body percussion, found objects and vocal sounds forms part of the curriculum, this develops the understanding of musical elements without the added complexity of an instrument. Our music lessons incorporate aspects of music history that relate to class topic themes, this allows music to be appreciated in context.  

The Charanga scheme of work is used in EYFS and KS1. This follows the National Curriculum, and provides a wide exposure to different genres of music, with lots of practical opportunities to explore and develop as musicians and singers. Alongside this, children are given many opportunities to take part in class songs and performances, and to play recorders and percussion instruments such as glockenspiels, which gives them an opportunity to read basic music notation.  In KS2 children learn to play a stringed instrument. Previously, children have been taught to play the guitar but since September, 2019, ukulele has been taught as a class session. Violin is an optional ‘peri’ 1-1 music lesson taught by a tutor. Both are provided by East Riding’s School’s Music Service; again this follows the National Curriculum. The practice allows children to learn about how music is created, as well as to progress their reading of musical notation. This opportunity feeds their understanding when listening, playing, or analysing music.

All children attend a weekly singing assembly, where they have the opportunity learn and perform a range of songs as well as listening to performances of live classical music.  We also have fortnightly music appreciation assemblies where children have the opportunity to listen to, analyse and evaluate different pieces of music.

We are also very proud to have our own Boynton School Choir who have performed at the Bridlington Big Sing and are now rehearsing to be part of the World's biggest choir by singing in the 'Young Voices' event at Sheffield arena in 2024.