Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Welcome to Class Two! 


Mr Kelly is the Class Teacher and Miss Usher is the Class teaching assistant.


Class Information

  • PE: Monday afternoon. Please send your child into school with their PE kits and remove any jewellery before, if they are unable to remove it themselves. 
  • Reading: Please remember to keep reading with your child every night. Even if they are able readers please ask them questions and discuss what they are reading. We would like children to read at least 4 times a week. Just a quick note in their reading record book, together with a parent/carer signature, will earn them rainbow rewards in school.
  • Homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be completed and returned by the following Monday. Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week. 
  • Spelling:  Spellings are sent home on a Monday to be learnt for a test on Friday. 



Our Topic This Term Is Ancient Greece 

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to write for a variety of different purposes, including writing some poetry as well as looking at stories and characters from classic Greek Myths based. The children will learn all about the features needed to produce a quality piece of writing, before putting these skills into practice in their own piece.

As always, the children will continue to work on their punctuation, grammar and spellings with new skills being introduced or refined during lessons in order to enable all children to become confident writers. They will continue to practice spellings and have time to read daily in class. 

We continue to encourage your support to make sure your child reads at home at least 4 times in a week and completes any homework/spelling practice set.

  In Maths this term, the children will become confident at place value, fractions, adding, subtracting, measures, decimals and money and multiplying and dividing using both mental and written methods and be able to apply these skills to real-life word problems. They will also look at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes as well as looking at different types of data.

Maths Homework will be given out on Wednesdays and should be returned by the following Monday. If your child requires further help or support please speak to Mr Kelly.

Useful Links:

TT Rock StarsPlease encourage your child to use TT Rock Stars to revise their times tables. 

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check- The children will be doing their Year 4 multiplication check in June 2023. To ensure that they are fully prepared, we will be regularly practising multiplication in class. To support this at home, you can access TTRockstars at 

Super Movers -  Children enjoy joining in with these catchy songs to learn their times tables. 

In Science, the children will explore the topic of 'Animals including humans'. The children will be looking at what animals and humans need to stay healthy, showing an understanding of the food groups and nutrients needed for a healthy diet.  They will also be looking at the human skeleton and associated muscles. 

In History the children will take a trip back to one of the most fascinating civilisations in history as
they discover Ancient Greece and all it has to offer. Children will be taken on a voyage of discovery to explore how much of this civilisation is still evident in our society today. They will discover the people, the inventions, the art, the technology, the mythology and so much more. Children will need to use their research skills to investigate what life was like on a daily basis for the Ancient Greeks. They will research areas such as food, clothing, education and family life and present the information in a variety of ways. The children will study in detail the origin of the Olympic Games and how it compares to the Olympics of today along with the development of the idea of Democracy.

In GEOGRAPHY We will be finding out where in the world is Greece? What is the physical and human geography of Greece like today and how is this similar or different to the UK? Was this the same as Ancient Rome or Ancient Egypt? We will also be looking at what Greece is like today by exploring its physical geography and research what modern Greece is like by investigating the population and various aspects of the culture.

In Art the children will explore the unique style of the Ancient Greeks, creating art inspired by what they discover. They will also be looking at Greek vases in order to create a design of their own taking inspiration from what they have seen.

In DT the children will be looking at different types of bread with a view to developing a new bread product for a particular person or event.

 In Music Class 2 children will develop their skills of the 5 strands of the Model Music Curriculum which are: performing, listening, composing, the history of music and the inter-related dimensions or elements of music.   This term will focus in particular on listening and appreciating different genres of music from around the world and from different periods in history.  The children will also be continuing to learn the Ukulele!

In Computing the children will be learning the basics of typing and using word to manipulate text. They will also be looking at coding in order to create their own program and creating art using computers and tablets.

In PSHE children will learn about 'Relationships'. They will explore what healthy relationships are and how to develop and manage them. The children will also be taking part in 3 'Positive Mental Health' sessions run by the NHS Mental Health division during the first few weeks of the Summer Term.

At Boynton, we recognise the importance of promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our students and their families. We aim to create an open culture around the discussion of mental health and wellbeing and to empower our children be able to regulate their emotions. By implementing the Zones of Regulation curriculum we aim to teach our pupils to identify emotions in themselves and others and provide them with bank of strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their wellbeing. 

Our PE units this term are Cricket, Orienteering and Athletics.  

 In French the children will begin by developing their French vocabulary this term on the topics of 'Pets and Animals' and 'Food'. Children will be learning words/phrases to be able to express themselves in these areas. 

During Religion and World Views the children will find out about 'Sacred Places'. They will investigate what makes a place sacred and they will look at a variety of sacred places associated with different religions of the world.

 Phew, what a lot to learn! We'd better get started!